Another 96 chestahedra later, (actually fewer are needed because part of the ring is already built – if you are landing on this page, visit the background for this form here), and the following form appeared:

(Click any image for larger version.)

Chestahedron Rings-1
Chestahedral Rings-1
Chestahedron Rings-2
Chestahedral Rings-2
Chestahedral Rings-3
Chestahedral Rings-3
Chestahedral Rings-4
Chestahedral Rings-4 – Notice the wonderful oval shape and eye-shape.
Chestahedral Rings-5
Chestahedral Rings-5 – Two ovals and an eye
Chestahedral Rings-6
Chestahedral Rings-6 – An “X” shape
Chestahedral Rings-7
Chestahedral Rings-7 – Many different forms can be seen from different angles.
Chestahedral Rings-8
Chestahedral Rings-8
Chestahedral Rings-9
Chestahedral Rings-9 – detail of inner ring surfaces meeting
Chestahedral Rings-10
Chestahedral Rings-10 – Notice the wonderful heart shape on its side
Chestahedral Rings-11
Chestahedral Rings-11 – detail
Chestahedral Rings-12
Chestahedral Rings-12 – close up
Chestahedral Rings-13
Chestahedral Rings-13 – outside meeting detail
Chestahedral Rings-14
Chestahedral Rings-14 – fore and aft mirroring
Chestahedral Rings-15
Chestahedral Rings-15 – triangles everywhere!

I have not (yet) made the obvious third ring, let alone a full chestahedral sphere.  This involve a lot of paper, tape, and time.  However, I did discover some fascinating new forms…

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